Saturday, May 31, 2008

Happy 1st Birthday Phoebe

Saturday afternoon we went to Dalton to Phoebe's 1st birthday party. It was really nice and it looked like she had a lot of fun. Here she is with her big sis. To see all of our pics, click on the May album. After the party we came back home and Sarah Ann came and babysat for us while we went to Table 2 for dinner. It was SO nice. We came back home & the kids were in bed and asleep...nice.I normally put Marley in her bouncy seat for naps, and when I went to check on her today she looked like this. She had wiggled her way out and looked so cute just hanging over the edge. I got her out and she had red marks on her legs from dangling over.On Satursday morning we woke the kids up to go to the Creative Discovery Museum to eat breakfast with Clifford. Ty was still a little scared of the Clifford costume, but he really enjoyed playing at the museum. When we went to leave he threw a huge fit that started in the musuem and carried over to the parking lot. It was REAL cute, I am just sorry the Beards had to witness it.Friday night my Bible Study leader had all the girls over for dinner and it was great! Josh watched the kids while I had a delicious dinner with my friends.


Tessa said...

Thanks for coming to the party, we really appreciated and enjoyed it. So glad to hear that date night went well and you now officially have a babysitter. HURRAY!!! Love the pic of Marley with her little wiggle worm self hanging off her little bouncy seat. Look forward to Buffett and hanging with you guys.

Beck, Helen and Will's Mom said...

Great pictures! Sounds like you guys had a busy weekend! We can't wait to see you guys on Thursday!

Isabella's Mommy.... said...

How cute is Marley!! I can't believe she fell asleep like that. Mine child would have screamed her head off. . .
Sorry you got so upset Josh!!