Wednesday, June 25, 2008

My baby is already 6 months old!!

Marley is growing up so fast, matter of fact too fast! She had her 6 month visit today and she is 15 lbs and 11 oz, 26 in long & her head is 43 cm (about 50% on everything). She still likes to roll around everywhere, she is eating lots of baby food, and her hair is coming in like a mohawk. She has been so much fun and we are so thankful for her & her big brother!


Beck, Helen and Will's Mom said...

What a cutie! I just love those smiles that take up her whole face! Such a happy baby! I can't believe that she is 6 months old! Where does the time go? Keep enjoying every minute with Ty and Marley! You are a wonderful mom!

Isabella's Mommy.... said...

She's almost exactly what Isabella was at her 6 month apt a couple weeks ago. She was 15 lbs 13oz and 26 1/2 in long. 50% on weight but 75% on height. They are growing up way too fast!!

Amy Beard said...

Seems like we were just talking about the boys being that young. They are really growing up too fast. She is so precious.

Catherine and Brooke said...

LOVE that pic of Marley. SO cute! Looking forward to next week! :)