Friday, January 2, 2009

Dr Visit

Today we took Ty & Marley to the dr. for their 3 & 1 yr appointments. Ty weighed 35 lbs (75%) and was 37 1/8 in tall (50%), I don't know the stat but I am sure his head was huge. :) Marley weighed 19 lbs and 7 oz (25%) and was 28 3/4 in tall (50%), her head was average. They both did well and got a clean bill of health.

Marley was really worried about getting the band aid off.

You would think she would perfect her walking skills before walking around with her head covered.

Making faces while reading library books...

Here is a pic of Marley we took the day after she got back from spending the weekend with grandparents...needless to say, she needed to catch up on her sleep. :)


Amy Beard said...

So glad they did well at the dr. & got good reports. I love the picture of Marley sleeping...what an angel! Precious! Looking forward to seeing you all tomorrow!

Isabella's Mommy.... said...

Marley & Isabella had nearly the same stats. Isabella was 19 lbs 1 oz. (10-20%) & 29 something (75%) on her 12 month dr visit. We don't expect her to get any taller ;-) - not exactly sure where she's getting it from!?

Tessa said...

Always great to get a good check up from the doctor and the pics were cute!

Beck, Helen and Will's Mom said...

Glad that they got good check up results! Helen was at the ENT earlier this week and she also weighed 35 pounds! Great pictures! Happy New Year! Take care!

Beck, Helen and Will's Mom said...

Love the new look on your blog! Very nice!

Beckett said...

I like the new background. Did you know that I got a Wii for Christmas just like Connor? Tell Ty and Marley that we said HI!

Tessa said...

Like your new background!!