Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Harper's in Huntsville

Yesterday morning we left to go to Huntsville, AL with Josh. Here's some pics of what we did. Ty with the astronaut.

This is the nice view from our room. We stayed at an Embassy Suite in downtown Huntsville and it was brand new. The manager's reception and breakfast were delicious!

While Josh was working, the kiddos and I swam and took naps. The kids also got a kid's meal from Ruth's Chris...nice!!

Now we are back at home getting ready to go to a cabin with my parents to celebrate my mom's upcoming 60th birthday!


Tessa said...

That looked like a fun mini vacation. Have fun at the cabin and tell your mom HAPPY 60 Birthday!!!!!!!

Amy Beard said...

Glad you all had a good time. It's always nice to get away! Hope you guys have a good weekend and tell your mom "Happy Birthday". Michael needs to make her some gumbo for her b-day!

Beck, Helen and Will's Mom said...

Have fun with your mom at the cabin! Loved the pics from your trip to Huntsville! You guys sure stay busy! Hope to talk with you soon!