Friday, January 18, 2008

Marley is One Month Old Today

Today Marley is one month old. She is doing really well and we love being around her. She is not a good day time napper but she does well at night and sleeps about 5 hours straight.
Here is a picture of Ty doing sit ups with Josh. It is too funny. He can't do them all the way, so he cheats and uses his arms. He is also doing well and "usually" a pleasure to be around. He also went to see Elmo (that is his potty's name) the other day and pee peed and pooped on the potty. He hasn't done it again, but he is trying and at least we are headed in the right direction.

The last picture is one of him and Beckett & Helen at Burger King. Josh had to work in Lenoir City this week so we tagged along with him and were able to visit with a lot of family. That's about it for us, have a great weekend and hopefully we will see you soon!

1 comment:

Mandy Grau said...

I just saw the new post...that is such an adorable picture of Marley (with her little tongue sticking out and the way her eyes are looking at the camera). And that's really cute about Ty trying to do guys are never going to have a dull moment with these two around!