Tuesday, May 17, 2011


Last Thursday my parents came to watch 2 of Ty's ballgames and he did great. Thanks Yaay & Dtaa for coming to watch our little John Denver. We are really going to miss watching this little guy play (his last game is on Thursday night). Then last night we went to Rio Picante with the Beard family and then to a Lookouts game. What fun!

Monday, May 9, 2011

Cinco de Mayo, Family Visit, Mother's Day!

Happy Cinco de Mayo! The kids made Mexican flags and then waved them in front of our house. For dinner we had tacos and margaritas...any excuse to celebrate!

Here is Ty's cheering section. Thank you to Nana, Papa, Darrin, Jill and Connor for coming down and rooting him on!

Marley Mo loves her some Connor!

Ty did great at his ballgame, here he is afterwards with a special #6 cookie!

Thank you to my mom, Josh's mom, my Granny, Josh's Mimmie & Mamaw, without all of you we would not be the people we are today...Happy Mother's Day and we love you! 2nd thank you to my family. Josh picked up sushi and doritos for me on the way home, the kids made cards and then Sunday they cooked me a steak dinner. It was grand! Lastly Ty said the blessing and it was so sweet, I started to cry.
So blessed!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Go to your happy place, go to your happy place...

Last Monday we headed to Atlanta to fly out to Cancun to stay at an all inclusive resort with the Beard's, the Master's, and the Grau's. Our parents watched our kids while we took our vacation and a big thank you to them. We went to Excellence Riveria Cancun for 4.5 days of relaxing, reconnecting, and laughs. We took it easy by the pool, we danced, we karoaked, we ate delicious food, had great conversation, met people, and the list goes on. What a wonderful time, thanks to everyone especially Josh!

This is the Martini bar, where we met up every night.

The ladies did the spa thing twice while the boys did a cigar tasting and had Cubans! The Mile spa was awesome!! The marine therapy (12 steps of sauna, steam room, cold water plunge, bubble bath, etc.) followed up by Edgar's scalp massage, and then our real massage, really spoiled me.

Here was our nice room.

When we got there, Michael said we were all going to look like this after we had eaten and drank all week...ha!!

This is where we laid by the pool/beach for 4 straight days. Ahh I am relaxed just thinking about it!

My rock star children...oh their imaginations!

Monday, May 2, 2011

I will cling to the ole rugged cross...

We had a great Easter! Here we are Sunday morning before church.

Of course we had to dye Easter eggs!

The fam.

We always love Easter egg hunting at Alexian.

We waited an hour to see the Easter bunny and then he left. Argh! We took some pics of these kids anyway!

Easter hunting at our house with our neighbors.

Thanks to everyone who made our Easter so special! And so nice to worship our risen Saviour!