Sunday, July 5, 2009

Happy 4th (aka Parade Day)!!

Yesterday we had some friends come over and watch the 4th of July parade that comes in front of our house. It was so much fun!! Usually we join the end, but some how we missed it. So we started our own little parade with all of our kids and it was very cute. I wish I had pics of it. Thanks to everyone for making our 4th so special!! Also we did not do fireworks last night because Ty had problems obeying so we stayed home. He took it really hard.

Also Friday we went to the pool with the Beard's. It was great! Too bad I didn't have my camera. And then that night we went to The Terminal (one of my favs) with the Grau's and Brandon & Betsey and then off to nightfall. Lots of fun! Today we are enjoying the rain.


Amy Beard said...

Looks like you all had a great time at the parade! The pictures are cute! Sorry to hear you didn't get to do fireworks, I am sure Ty was upset about that. We hated to miss the parade....but it's been one of those weekends for us too. Friday night was rough so we decided to keep eveyone home, for their safety! :)

Beck, Helen and Will's Mom said...

Love all of the pictures! So neat that the parade comes right by your house! I'm sure that Ty was sad about the fireworks, but I know that missing them made an impression on him and he will remember that next time he thinks about his choices! It is hard for us as parents when we want our kids to enjoy something like that, but you did the right thing by following through with the consequences! Way to go mom! Hope you guys enjoyed the rest of your weekend! :)

Tessa said...

The kids look like they had fun at the parade but sorry to hear no fireworks. I keep telling my girls that life is way more fun if they just behave!!?!? Saturday was rough for us because we were out so late the night before for the show and the kids were cranky. Hope to catch up with you soon.