Monday, April 11, 2011

Put me in coach, I'm ready to play, today!

Sunday we went to a Braves game in Atlanta. We stayed with our friends the Master's in their new house. It is so nice, and we appreciate their hospitality! Then Sunday we went to watch the Braves play and see the Avett Bros concert. What a great day! I "soaked in" a lot of good memories yesterday, like Marley falling asleep on me while I was hearing some of my favorite songs live, and looking over and seeing Ty singing I and LOVE and You while sitting on his dad's lap...ahh...good times! Saturday Ty and the Timber Rattlers had their 1st ball game of the season. It is so much fun to watch our little guy play! Friday night the Beard's came over for dinner and it was fun! Then on Saturday morning Marley had her 1st and free manicure. Here is performance in the Master's concert hall. :)

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