Sunday, May 11, 2008

Most Memorable Mother's Day EVER

Long story somewhat short, Josh hung a light fixture for me today and in the process he pushed too hard on the sharp metal edge and it sliced his right wrist open. We thought he hit a major artery and ended up calling 911. They came and told us he had not, so Josh asked if it was okay if I took him to the ER instead of riding in the ambulance. We went & he got 11 stitches and is doing well. What a wild and crazy day, we are just glad he is okay. Below is a pic of his wrapped up wrist, just be glad I didn't take any of the actual looked horrific. I was looking at it in the hospital and I started to feel a little weak. :)Friday after work we all went to the Sports Barn to swim and this was Marley's first time in the pool, she liked it just as much as any 5 month old would. :)Saturday Josh cleaned out our garage and now I can park my car in it...yay! He also got me some rhodendrons that he & Ty planted for me for Mother's Day.


Beck, Helen and Will's Mom said...

He just couldn't stand the day being all about you, could he? Ha! Ha! We are so glad that he is OK! What a blessing that there is no major damage! Marley looks so cute in her little bikini! I hope you guys have a calm, uneventful week! You deserve some down days after yesterday!

Catherine and Brooke said...

Oh no! Poor Josh! Was this one of the sirens we heard yesterday roaring down James Blvd?!?! :) What time did that happen? Brooke even commented that there sure were a lot of emergency vehicles screaming around Signal yesterday! Hope Josh is feeling better!

Tessa said...

I think Marley looks adorable in her swim suit and tell Josh the next time he wants attention to just ask! =)