Monday, February 9, 2009

Slow Weekend

I meant to get a pic of Ty and Marley on Sunday, but I just got one of Marley. Josh was trying to catch up with us going to church and he rolled his ankle. He is feeling better now, but this gave us a good reason to take it easy. Although he did fix a great dinner last night!

The kids ALWAYS have fun in the tub, and here are some pics of Ty. I won't post the ones of Marley...those are to blackmail her with when she is older (they are ones of her bottom with cellulite).

Here is Marley taking turns in the stroller with her baby doll. She loves to play with the stroller but it also makes her very angry. Some of the things that aggrevate her is when she can't get in to it, when no one will push her, and when she can't get it around an obstacle, like a wall. :)

Didn't get into too much this weekend, but we did get some small house projects fixed, like our closet light...hallejuah!

1 comment:

Mandy Grau said...

I love the bathtime pics and Marley looks so cute pushing the stroller. Her hair looks so light with the sun shining on it! We need to get together with you guys again soon!