Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Just the Tag Along Type

Yesterday Josh had a meeting in Nashville, so as usual me and the kids tagged along. We ate lunch at Noshville (TN Titan Albert Haynesworth was there) and then after Josh's meeting he came back and I got to go do a little shopping by myself. Nice! The kids played in the water and then Josh & Ty went to Bosco's with Curt. After that we hung out in the lobby with Curt and ate Thai food, yummy. What a great trip!

Whose muscles are bigger?

In this pic, Marley was jumping on Curt's lap and "accidentally" hit him in the nose...sorry Curt!!

Ty took this pic of me & Marley. I think when I get a new camera, I am just going to give him mine.


Tessa said...

It looks like you guys had fun and I love the smack down Marley Mo gave Curt. The facial expression says it all...ouch!!

Beck, Helen and Will's Mom said...

Glad you "tag-a-longs" had fun in Nashville! Sounds like a great trip! Hope you found some good deals on your kid-free shopping spree! Sean and Beckett will be jealous....Noshville is their favorite place! Especially the original one downtown. We've been to the Brentwood location the last few times and it just isn't the same!

Beck, Helen and Will's Mom said...

Can I just say....thanks for always leaving a comment on my blog! I don't blog so that people will comment, but it sure is nice to know that someone out there took a minute to let me know that they read it! I appreciate that. Am I weird, or what?

Isabella's Mommy.... said...

what a sweet pic of mommy & marley!!!