Pilgrim Ty & Pouting Marley eating their Thanksgiving lunches at Nana & Papa's. The food was delicious and the company was great!
At 5 o' clock we went to my Uncle & Aunt's house and ate Thanksgiving meal #2. It was so nice to see everyone and let the kids play.
Here I am with my Granny. :) I love to be around her and think about my Papaw, this was our 1st Thanksgiving without him.
Friday morning mom and I got up a little before 5 am and went shopping. We bravely decided to wake Ty up and take him with us and we all had a great time. We didn't find too many deals but we considered it a feat in itself to wait in line at Toys R Us for over an hour and none of us get in a fight. :)
Ty taking a break from shopping to ride the carousel.
Luckily Thanksgiving helped us stretch out our tummies for the all you can eat sushi buffet on Monday night. Oh yeah!